Play: the benefits of using play in early childhood education with children aged 3 to 4 years




Play, Teaching-Learning, Child education


The act of playing is a fundamental function for development in the first years of life. In this aspect, this study demonstrates the importance of playing in the teaching-learning of children from 3 to 4 years of age, since playing allows a healthy growth for the child so that he can develop all his skills becoming a well-grown adult resolved and balanced psychologically, reflecting in its physical and emotional aspects. The act of playing still allows the child to understand and absorb the true sense of sharing, preventing him from becoming a selfish and possessive adult, whether materially or sentimentally. Playing influences self-esteem, also contributing to the formation of your personality; because every game has a meaning in it that reaches and conveys its objectives. In this way, this work becomes relevant since it is based on the thesis that playing in early childhood education contributes to the child's development. We searched for a bibliographic survey, concerning the question of playing with the subsidy of several sources, with consultations of respectable and updated works.

Author Biography

Izidorio Paz Fernandes Neto, Faculdade Guaraí

Possui graduação em Pedagogia pelo Instituto Educacional Santa Catarina, Faculdade Guaraí (2015). Especialista em Administração e Inspeção Escolar pela Universidade Cândido Mendes (2016).Mestrando do PPGE- Ensino da Universidade do Vale do Taquari- UNIVATES/RS. Professor da Rede Municipal de Ensino de Guaraí-Tocantins e Professor dos cursos de Pedagogia e Ciências Biológicas do Instituto Educacional Santa Catarina/IESC- FAG. Tem experiência na área de Educação, e possui como linha de pesquisa Educação, Diversidade, Formação de professores, Currículo e Avaliação. 





Pedagogia (Educação Criança e Adolescente)