Evolução da mulher no mercado de trabalho
Female, Leadership, Job, EmpowermentAbstract
The work approaches the conquest of the feminine space in the leaderships of the organizations. In this way, the analysis carried out, through this article, considers the historical and cultural context of the social role of women, which has repercussions on social constructions and contexts that still difficult and create barriers to the occupation of certain positions and functions, as well as the career advancement of women in the business environment. Therefore, this work exposes the main barriers that still exist in the labor market, specifically the female contingent, making it necessary to discuss gender inequality present in society, emphasizing the field of work. The same study also has as its main concern, to highlight and explain about the evolution of women in the social environment and the rise of it in its possibilities, new fields of career and leadership. In methodological terms, in addition to the leverage of authors related to the theme, this work, based on field research in the study of multicasos, proposes to apply questionnaires with certain companies in the Cariri region, which have female leadership, so that , it is possible to confirm or rethink hypotheses pertinent to the problem pointed out in this article.
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