Nursing care in the administration of vasoactive drugs in patients in the intensive care unit


  • Leandro Aparecido de Souza Universidade de Sorocaba
  • Ane Helise Consorti Universidade de Sorocaba
  • Nadyne Leite Martins Machado Universidade de Sorocaba



Nursing Care, ICU, Noradrenaline, Vasoactive drugs


Characterizes the Intensive Care Unit, a highly complex unit, with patients in serious condition who are with compromised self-regulation systems, requiring continuous care. Among the most used drugs are vasoactive drugs that support therapy, due to the high degree of complexity of actions and sequelae that can be caused in cases of failure in the performance of this process, care in the quality of care needs to be guaranteed by nursing. Identify and analyze the care provided by nurses in the administration of patients in the Intensive Care Unit. An integrative literature review study, carried out through a literature review of a narrative and exploratory nature by the Virtual Health Library (VHL). Among the attributions, “difficulty for professionals to report adverse drug reactions” was prioritized; lack of human resources to carry out the active search, work overload; lack of understanding by professionals of the use of standardized notification forms; lack of awareness among professionals. Therefore, it is of great importance for the nurse to have a look at the difficulties, proposing to the team an effective handling and thus clarifying any pertinent doubts that may arise by the team.


Author Biographies

Leandro Aparecido de Souza, Universidade de Sorocaba

Possui graduação em Enfermagem pela Universidade Paulista Sorocaba (2006) .Pós Graduado em Docência e Pesquisa na Área da Saúde. Pós Graduado em Unidade de Terapia Intensiva. Pós Graduado em Enfermagem do Trabalho. Mestre em Ciências Farmacêuticas pela Universidade de Sorocaba. Atualmente é Enfermeiro Assistencial no Hospital Unimed Sorocaba. Docente do Curso de Enfermagem da Universidade de Sorocaba.Tem experiência na área, com ênfase em UNIDADE DE TERAPIA INTENSIVA e EMERGENCIA.


Nadyne Leite Martins Machado, Universidade de Sorocaba

Possui ensino médio segundo grau pela E.E.Dr. Cesário Motta(2015).

