The approach of nouns (noun and adjective) in Portuguese textbooks: dialogues between traditional grammar and morphosyntactic studies of the language



Morphosyntax, Textbook, Teaching, Normative Grammar


The main objective of this work was to analyze how the Portuguese Language (LP) textbook approaches the noun and adjective classes. For this, we investigated how these contents are presented, whether based on the treatment from the perspective of traditional grammar, that is, normative grammar, or in the light of morphosyntactic studies. Another concern is to verify whether these levels of structures and linguistic descriptions are simultaneously addressed in textbooks. Therefore, the two works used to compose the corpus of the research are: Alpha generation Portuguese language: elementary school: final years: 6th grade, organized by the authors Cibele Lopresti Costa and Greta Marchetti (2019) and Se liga na Língua: Leitura, text and language production by Wilton Ormundo and Cristiane Siniscalchi (2018). The theoretical framework addressed here for comparison with normative grammar was: Bechara (2004), Cegalla (2008) and Rocha Lima (1997). Later, to compare with the morphosyntactic studies we decided to bring the pragmatics of morphosyntax Sautchuk (2010), Macambira (1987), Monteiro (2002), Mattoso Câmara Jr. (1977), Rosa (2003). Given this, it is proposed with these thinkers, mentioned above, of normative grammar and morphosyntax, to answer the following questions: how are word classes (nouns and adjectives) addressed in textbooks? How to distinguish normative grammar from morphosyntactic ideologies?

Author Biographies

Adriano Menino de Macêdo Júnior, Universidade do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte

Pharmacist-biochemist, with experience in public health and microbiology, residing in the city of Natal-RN.

Michel da Costa, Universidade Metropolitana de Santos

PhD in Mathematics Education from the Anhanguera University of São Paulo - UNIAN (2019), Master in Mathematics Education from the Bandeirante University of São Paulo - UNIBAN (2010), Postgraduate Degree in Distance Education from the Metropolitan University of Santos - UNIMES (2018), Specialization in Pedagogical Training - Technologies for Learning Management from the Metropolitan University of Santos - UNIMES (2020), Degree in Pedagogy from Faculdade Don Domínico (2003) and Degree in Science - with full qualification in Mathematics from Universidade Santa Cecília - UNISANTA (2000). He is currently Full Professor at the Metropolitan University of Santos-UNIMES, acting as Permanent Professor in the Stricto Sensu Graduate Program - Teaching Practices in Elementary Education; Coordinator of the EaD Mathematics Course and Professor in the Undergraduate Courses - Mathematics, Pedagogy and Psychology. He has experience in Teaching, working mainly on the following topics: Mathematics Education, Public Policies in Education, Teacher Training, Statistical Education and Problem Solving.

Fabiano Rodrigues Marques, Universidade de Gurupi

Graduated in Physical Education Degree and Bachelor from Fundação UNIRG (2004). Master's student in Professional Education at the Federal University of Tocantins (2023), Specialist in Exercise Physiology at Veigas de Almeida Rj University - January 2013, Manager and Personal Trainer at Academia Movimento - from June 2005 to December 2018, Tutor at the University of Norte do Paraná - from October 2016 to October 2017, Physical Education Curriculum Advisor - DIANÓPOLIS REGIONAL EDUCATION BOARD - from June 2005 to August 2011, Elementary and High School Teacher - COLÉGIO JOÃO DE ABREU 2015 to December 2018, worked as Physical Evaluator and Personal Trainer at Academia Oficina do Corpo during 2019, Elementary School Teacher at ETI Almirante Tamandaré February to August 2019, Teacher of Body Practices and Swimming at ETI - Margarida Lemos from March to December 2020, Full Time School from the Municipality of Palmas, Teacher responsible for Physical Education from 6th to 9th grade in remote teaching applied in the municipality of Palmas in the interactive classrooms at Semed, from August to December 2021, Physical Education Teacher at the Olga Benário Full Time School, Municipality of Palmas. Currently professor of Physical Education at the University of São Paulo - UNIP, Currently professor of Basic and Technological Education at IFTO-Palmas; Professor of the Degree in Physical Education at the Federal Institute of Tocantis: Campos - Palmas.

Giselle Carmo Maia, Universidade da Maturidade

Graduated in PEDAGOGY - ULBRA PALMAS/TO (1999) and Postgraduate in PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT OF SOCIAL PROJECTS, Postgraduate in Training in Distance Education, Postgraduate in Gerontology. Digital Technologies for the Classroom. Researcher at the Interdisciplinary Group for Research and Studies in Intergenerational Education and High Skills (GIPEEIAH/Cnpq), Visiting Professor at Universidade da Maturidade/UFTE Experience since 2011 in Distance Education at Unitins as Specialist Professor in the Pedagogy Course; Tutor Professor and Research Professor at the Open University of Brazil in the Pedagogy Course; Professor at Universidade Paulista UNIP since 2013 in the Pedagogy Courses, (Advisor and Examiner of TCC Course Completion Work of the Pedagogy Course), Administration, Accounting Sciences, Human Resources Management and Social Work. Effective Servant at Palmas City Hall since 2000, currently Social Technician at the Municipal Housing Department of Palmas TO. , elaboration of social projects, elaboration of rescheduling of social work projects, follow-up of companies contracted to carry out the activities foreseen in social projects, elaboration of social work follow-up reports, technical responsible for undertakings as well as contract inspector.

Renata Freitas Siqueira, Universidade Federal do Mato Grosso

Currently, PhD student in Language Studies at PPGEL - Graduate Program in Language Studies at UFMT - Federal University of Mato Grosso. She has a degree in Literature / French (1999) and a degree in Economic Sciences (2007), both from the Federal University of Mato Grosso-UFMT. Lato Sensu Specialization in Teaching and Learning in French Language in 2001 also by UFMT, Lato Sensu Specialization in Accounting, Financial Administration and Auditing in the Public Sector by the Faculty of Social and Applied Sciences of Diamantino in 2012. Master in Economics - Program - Agribusiness and Regional Development at the Faculty of Economics at UFMT, defended on March 23, 2015. Public servant of the State of Mato Grosso since 2000, in the position of professor at the State Department of Education of Mato Grosso - SEDUC/MT. And from 2008 to July / 2021 she performed her duties within SEDE, in the Payroll Coordination (People Management). She has experience in the area of Education, with an emphasis on Education, working mainly on the following topics: education, Mato Grosso, regional development, income and in the payroll sector (career laws, benefits and rights, among others).

Sidimar Pereira de Sousa, Universidade Estadual do Piauí

Graduated in History from the State University of Piauí (2017). She has experience in the field of History, with an emphasis on History. Specializing in Human Rights and Social Movements State University of Piauí. Master's student in archeology at the University of Vale do São Francisco - UNIVASF

Angela Karine de Oliveira Silveira, Universidade do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte

Specialist in Languages, Technologies and the World of Work, from the Federal University of Piauí (UFPI). Graduated in Letters, with a full degree in Portuguese Language and its Respective Literatures, from the State University of Rio Grande do Norte (UERN). Currently, Portuguese language teacher at the Municipal School of 1st degree Pedro Fernandes, hired by the Municipal Secretary of Education (SME) of Baraúna/RN.

